el, they/he/xe, asian, gmt+8

this is a carrd primarily dedicated to my ocs! most of them do have a d&d equivalent but sulevin is the most developed in there

my DA canon

arvel mahariel, william hawke, sulevin lavellan, revanni adaar
"canon" worldstate, at least insofar as much of a canon i do have:
arvel mahariel
▸ romanced zevran but also have really deep care/love for morrigan & sten.
▸ kieran is his son

william hawke (purple hawke)
▸ in a polycule with the companions (except for aveline and sebastian), both siblings alive, supported mages

revanni adaar & sulevin lavellan
▸ revanni has the anchor but sulevin is the inquisitor


Notes about Veilguard: I'm avoiding spoilers! ♥

xchange prompts

Hi! I'm El, and this is my second xchange so far! (first was arlathanxchange just earlier 2024)I'm on tumblr as pancakesprince (art blog) and elvhenprince (da sideblog)If someone prompts for krem, i'm almost definitely going to try and fill it, because i feel an obligation (i run aclassitag on tumblr)you can click my OC portraits above if you'd like to know more about them!

▸ a bottle of your finest vintsCremisius "Krem" Aclassi / The Iron Bull / Dorian Pavus

Prompt 1: Bull doesn't believe in courtship, Krem does. Krem tries to wrangle Bull in for a date night with Dorian.
Prompt 2: Dorian finds out that Krem is strong enough to manoeuvre Bull around, and finds that incredibly hot.

▸ sopavellan
Solas / M!Lavellan / Dorian Pavus

Prompt 1: Despite all their differences, Solas, Lavellan, and Dorian find that they enjoy each others' company and get together.
Prompt 2: Dorian and Solas can get competitive, either way Lavellan wins.*You can use my Lavellan for this or your own

▸ solaswich
The Iron Bull / Solas / Dorian Pavus   |   Blackwall / Solas / Varric Tethras   |   Cassandra Pentaghast / Solas / VarricSolas can be in the middle of an ot3, as a treat

Sensitive subjects:
- racism (if to be discussed in-lore, then briefly)
- "savage" as a descriptor for peoples
- in-lore allegory to real life crises
detailed discussions of slavery
- equating spirit binding to slavery
- use of the following words:
(phylactery, golem, mana)
Alternative words:
phylactery:    soul vessel  /  vestige  /  blood vial
     golem:    construct  /  being  /  automaton
mana:    magicka  /  reserves  /  power



character specific

I've included my personal headcanons in this list,
but you are not required to follow along.
Just mind the DNWs.

Dalish (culture)agender society, positive portrayaldescribing them as savage/uncivilised or wrong about their beliefs/practices
MagesCreative use of magicTranquility, descriptions of Circle-related abuses
Qunarihaving dragony traits: fangs, claws, maybe even scales and/or knots/hemipenes if youre feeling extra spicyJustification OR invalidation of Qunari culture
Wardenscanon-compliant ghoulification traits (blackened blood, claws, fangs)-
Krembisexual, awkward in love, gender euphoria/affirmation, had top surgery and/or HRT (non magic transitioning), supportive ChargersDysphoria, magical transitioning, overconfidence, describing his parents as bad, whitewashing
MerrillNot actually that ignorant about sex - just how people talk about it, pegs, let people be Nicer to herinfantilising
Morriganbisexual, genderfluid with liberal use of shapeshiftinghumansplaining to elves
Shaleit/its pronouns, 'stone being'misgendering, referring to it as 'her' or even 'they', use of the word 'golem'
Solasagender, bisexual, sub/bottom, let him be a nerdmuscly/edgy portrayal, not bald, wanting Lavellan to be without vallaslin or judging them for it
Zevrangenderfluid, any genitalia oktbu

Not interested:
Morrigan x Alistair
Fenris x Anders
Isabela x Arishok
Shale x Anyone
Blackwall x Josephine
Solas x f!Lavellan
Lavellans with no vallaslin
Lack of interest doesn't mean hate!!! these characters and ship are fine i just am not interested, usually.


Arvel MaharielPrimary partner: Zevran
Deep bond/Kadan: Sten, Morrigan
William HawkeKirkwall Crew (sans Seb and Ave)
Revanni AdaarJosephine, Cassandra
Sulevin LavellanDorian, Solas

Arvel Mahariel

Age27 in DA:O, around 37 in DA:I
IDBisexual, Agender

PersonalityMild, sweet, friendly and charming
Physical traitsFreckles, dimples, slight.

RoleGrey Warden, Dalish crafter
TraumasMirrors, the Calling, Tamlen
TarotAce of Wands/Staves



He's the best apprentice to Master Ilen, reknowned crafter amongst even the Dalish.As a Warden, however, never really being much of a fighter but having to be now, the tragedies and awfulness of the world slowly grew heavy on him, and he withdrew a lot from the world as a result. He never travels in Warden armour, but still does good where he can as he travels to find the cure to the Blight.Non-Warden: Left injured by the events in the elven ruins, he instead became a crafter working in Amaranthine, with his guardian Ashalle caring for him."Canon" Events - (loosely, since if he's paired with another person's Warden OC they'd most likely be HOF instead)
Romanced: Zev (And/or in polycule)
Slept with Morrigan for the Dark Ritual

I've portrayed him with coochie and with dick. i can never decide honestly so he just has whatever bits I feel like he has at that exact moment llksjaisoaf either way he remains a twink.

William Hawke

Age25 at the start of DA2, 35 by end
IDBisexual, Cisgender

PersonalityPurple - Humorous, charming, silly
Body modsFace tattoo, eyebrow piercing

RolesChampion of Kirkwall
CombatLance/Spear + magic enhancement
TraumasFamily / Circle-related fears

RomanceFenris + Isabela + Merrill + Anders + Varric


The Kirkwall gang is his polycule. Legends says he's hard in Hightown-"Rogue" - Uses a spear to fight. His fighting style is quick, skirmishy, meant to end quickly. But he does have a bit of magic. (..think Final Fantasy's Dragoon)Despite the shit constantly dropping out of his mouth there's no one better to have at your back. or your front. Or on your-Both siblings are alive - Carver became a Templar, Bethany a Circle Mage


Not White/Caucasian! I draw him as Chinese!

Sulevin Lavellan

Age28 in DA:I
IDPansexual, non-binary

PersonalityStern, serious, stalwart.
Physical traitsLean muscle
VallaslinElgar'nan, down to the navel

RolesFirst of his Clan, Dreamer
FamilyDeshanna (Father, adopted),
Vemaya (Born to Deshanna)

Associated symbolsFire, earth, gold, white, golden eagle
TarotKnight of Staves

RomanceSolas & Dorian


Sulevin was born to an alienage in Wycome. He did not remember much of his time there, other than that he was kidnapped by slavers in the dead of the night.Fortunately, before he was fully taken away to Tevinter, his magic manifested en route - in a massive blaze that burnt almost everyone around him. Few survived the fire. Dalish scouts that were nearby noticed the eruption of magic, and dispatched the remaining slavers quickly, while one ran back to report to the Keeper. The survivors were taken in, including Sulevin, who was given his name and adopted by the Keeper himself that day.Sulevin has since taken it upon himself to repay the kindness shown to him by the clan, by studying hard and using all of his powers to aid them. This only intensified when his abilities to Dream manifested, and the Keeper kept taking care of him, despite worries about Sulevin possibly becoming an abomination or attracting too many demons. Despite many difficulties at first, Sulevin eventually managed to gain control of his abilities, though he is constantly extremely careful about how he uses it. He only uses his abilities to directly aid in current matters, and does not sleep more than necessary.


The Valos-Kar mercenaries and Clan Lavellan have a working relationship, starting about a year before DAI: the mercenaries would trade hard-to-gain supplies for magical help and Dalish crafts.Revanni and Sulevin met, and are familiar with each other, but become much more steadfast friends over the events of DA:I.


His clan never had any access to lyrium, and he continues to avoid the use of lyrium potions.
He does not use a throne for judgement: he had it removed. He stays standing.
Languages: Elven, Common, Dalish sign language

Revanni Adaar

Age27 in DA:I
IDBisexual, Transgender

PersonalityCheery, always up for a good time
Physical traitsBig. Big bosoms. Big.
Body modsMagical HRT/ transitioning


RomanceJosephine, Cassandra


Revanni's mother was a former tamassran who left the Qun because she’s tired of seeing all the children she raise become broken by the very system that assigned them to her. The final thing that convinced her to leave was the realisation that she was with child, that one day she’d be forced to watch her own child be shaped, wounded, discarded too.Afraid of accidentally letting any of her extremely ingrained Qunari teachings be forced upon her child, she chose to live together with an elven family in Rivain, who definitely did not mind the added protection of having a Qunari around. Eventually they did grow a genuine, deep relationship with each other.Revanni was allowed to explore freely her gender identity, expression, what suited, what didn't suit. Mostly she knew she wanted a huge rack and to look good in pretty things and jewellery, and to be able to afford things like that without resorting to petty theft she (eventually) turned to mercenary work. She tried her hand at a lot of things, but turns out being a big scary qunari is a lot more effective in the beating people up industry than in the being nice and selling stuff to people industry.


The Valos-Kar mercenaries and Clan Lavellan have a working relationship, starting about a year before DAI: the mercenaries would trade hard-to-gain supplies for magical help and Dalish crafts.Revanni and Sulevin met, and are familiar with each other, but become much more steadfast friends over the events of DA:I.Clan Lavellan was where Revanni got her magical HRT done, and her new name from. So she feels a lot of kinship to them, and trusts in Sulevin a lot. Revanni is good in fighting, being on the field and chatting up people, but Sulevin is decisive, calm in the face of danger, and used to herding a whole group of people - so she deferred to him for big choices, which in turn led to him becoming the Inquisitor instead of her.


Maomi Kucing

31 years, 5'4
Gender: Cat
Sexuality: Pansexual, Poly
Miqote, Seeker
Warrior (Main)
Silly cat. Very sweet, loves snails and bugs and fish. Also loves cuddles and kisses and beating bad guys up.
Maomi was a street urchin in Limsa, who was constantly stealing fish and such to survive. One day they hid in the skirt of a roegadyn woman, Aisyah, and was immediately taken in by her and her wife, an au ra called Khaliun.
Maomi has since been a happy little cat, fast to make friends and quickly endearing themselves to even the coldest of shoulders.Misc:
Dysgraphia - they can draw, they can't write. Really really bad writing, also really bad at reading. But they do enjoy listening to stories from people instead.


Age: 60+ years (TES), 300 (D&D), looks 25 in human years
Height: 6'5
High Elf
Wizard, Illusion
Calculating, outwardly flirtatious.
TES: Skyrim, Falkreath outskirts (Not in the city)
Wildemount: Nicodranas, Open Quay
Saffron owns an apothecary, Nightshade's Kiss. They do sell potions for adventurers but primarily they specialise in beauty products, skin care, cosmetics, perfumes.
As far as they are concerned - they are simply an alchemist, uninterested in forging lasting relationships beyond that of a business owner - customer. They may offer "special treatments" at a price, but it's generally expensive - much more so than the luxury cosmetics that they sell. Still, their customers walk away believing it was worth every coin.Once, a long time ago, they were not Saffron, nor did they look the way they do currently. But Saffron never speaks of a past best left buried in the dirt.

Sulevin (D&D)

280 years
Eladrin, Summer
Druid, Circle of Dreams
Less stern than his DA self, more stoic.Background
A human farmer found a fey child wandering a forest, and took him on as an extra pair of hands for the farm. This child wasn't treated particularly cruelly or anything- food and shelter were provided, but it's still no way for a child to be.
Deshanna found this child collecting wood just before winter at the very forest this child used to wander in. He asked the child to choose if he'd like to be adopted, and ever since Sulevin has become his son, and was raised in the Feywild.Once Sulevin was of age, he started to wander into the Material Plane as well, bringing back gifts and supplies for the little fey village. (simply referred to as the Glade) He trades his skill in healing and combat for such materials and gifts rather than gold most of the time.